About Ankara Library

Ankara Library is a non-profit organization founded in 2000. The Library is operated independently and open to the public all year-around.

Currently the Library holds more than 6,000 books in English, French and Turkish. Originally founded to provide library services and to promote cultural diversity, Ankara Library has morphed into becoming the only cultural hub in the Greater Toronto Area dedicated to the enhancement of the Turkish Community living in Canada.

Ankara Library is committed to building a strong, vibrant Turkish community by organizing cultural and educational events.

Here are some of the activities:

  • Seminars provided by professionals, such as Nutritionists, Dentists, Teachers, Education Specialists, IT Consultants, Financial Advisors; that give lectures to aid the integration of new comers to Canadian society
  • Conferences by world-renowned Turkish novelists, journalists and photographers
  • Annual Short Story Competitions which have aided the creation of 180 stories and 12 published story books Canada-wide
  • Annual Canada Day Picnics with well over 2,500 participants in the last 18 years
  • Resource Library for University of Toronto & Ryerson Professors on Turkish Affairs
  • Storytime & Kid Events
  • Book Exhibitions
  • Book Club activities

Ankara Library was founded by Nuzhet and Sevim Onen. Sevim Onen is an artist who has dedicated her life to art and community services. She has been painting and creating collages for decades and uses her art to support the community. She has exhibited her art in many different exhibitions and usually donates the proceeds of the sales to her own Ankara Library as well as to other charities.

In 2011, Sevim Onen  was awarded the Ontario Government’s prestigious Newcomers Champion Award.

Ankara Library is run by 10 board Members, 15 volunteers and 20 event based sponsors and its 2018  annual budget was $15,000 (% 80 funded by the founder, and the remaining by event sponsors).

Ankara Library Memories

Contact Information

Ankara Library
501 Eglinton Ave East
Toronto, Ontario M4P 1N4
(416) 489-9371

Contact Form

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