Reading together for 25 years

Online library

We provide a selection of over 2  thousand book titles in our online catalogue.

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We frequently organize informational workshops and seminars with experts on various subjects such as finance, citizenship rights, education, raising children in a new country and the challenges facing immigrants.

Annual Canada Day Picnic

We offer our traditional picnic every year on July 1st.  Family and friends come together to have fun and celebrate Canada day.

2025 Events

Nermin Bezmen Conversation and Book Launch Event: – January 18, 2025

We hosted our first event of the year on January 18, 2025. At our opening celebration, we welcomed miniature artist, printmaker, decorative artist, restorer, and author Nermin Bezmen as our guest. She introduced her two books, “TEO” and “TOLGAMA HASRET MEKTUPLARI”.


Total number of books in our library


Visitiors joined our annual Canada Day picnic


Year Ankara Library was founded


Number of short stories written for our traditional competition


Please contact us for opening hours.

Ankara Library is closed on public holidays.


1608 O’Connor Drive
Toronto, ON, Canada, M4B 3N5

Contact Us